art museum reviews #toomanyselfies

22 Jul 2017 - Graham

previously: beginning

Here are some thoughts about museums I’ve recently visited.

1. The 14th Factory, Los Angeles, CA

This warehouse space in Northeast LA is my new favorite art project. I was told after visiting that someone caused hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to it while taking a selfie. But I thought the replacement crowns were more interesting, so maybe that person kinda did the artist a favor? Anyways, my favorite bit was a nearly exact replica of the room from 2001: A Space Oddysey. Taking my shoes off and entering that room made me feel like I was in the trippy alternative reality of the movie. The whole thing was immersive, interactive, massive, and sometimes even a little scary. Death and violence are major themes.

bed from 2001 a space oddysey at the 14th factory

Highly recommended. 5/5 stars. Some tears were shed. Might be over soon.

2. The Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA

The art was nice, especially the sculpture, but the architecture and views were the real deal. The extremely slow tram to the top of the hill is also great. It’s a little bit like a roller coaster but all anticipation and no fall. Favorite art bit was the photographs of post-industrial Britian. I thought the much hyped Hackney exhibit was boring. It was just selfies. I don’t think I really get selfies as art. Like it doesn’t seem that interesting to point out that we’re all narcissistic. Or all that interesting to have innovated the selfie. I think the decadent Louis XIV furniture exhibit was a more interesting take on selfishness, but I’m not sure that was the intended point. I’ll stop the amateur art criticism there but don’t worry folks there will be plenty more navel gazing about navel gazing to come.

Protip 1: the museum doesn’t charge admission, they only charge for parking. Pro tip 2: it seems like it would be really dangerous to bike there because it’s only really accessible from the Freeway, but it would save you $15.

backside of a sculpture of a man riding a horse

Must see in LA. 4.5/5 stars. Don’t worry much about the art, just enjoy the grounds. Maybe bring a picnic, because otherwise they will charge you $9 for a yogurt. Great on the way to Topanga Canyon and/or Venice Beach.

3. Hirshorn, Washington, DC

Generally my favorite art museum in DC. But this time I was not into the Ai Wei Wei portraits of dissidents done in lego, which is strange because I really love both dissidence and legos. I don’t think they were as irreverent as most of his other stuff. It was all finger wagging and no middle finger. Favorite new bit from the rest of the museum is called Lick/Lather. The artist made two busts of herself, one from chocolate and one from soap and then she partially erased herself by either licking or lathering.

Must do in DC. 4/5. It’s free, so just go already.

4. Denver Museum of Contemporary Art

Really enjoyed the rooftop cafe. Art was nice and contemporary. Again, much more interesting self portraits here, probably because they were mixed in with portraits of others, which suggests maybe less self-absorbtion. Plus the paintings were just more visually simulating with bolder shapes and some self-erasure through blocks of color. And the photographs revealed an actual life (though one carefully curated to feel very raw, to be sure) Nice way to spend an hour or two. Probably a great spot for a date, or at least those two semi-annoying teenagers thought so. 4/5.

next post: kings canyon national park