an article i co-wrote got published!

16 Sep 2017 - Graham

previously: why didn't anyone tell me the grand canyon is so grand?

And this week it was one of the top 10 articles in Ag/Food law.

Here’s a sample:

There is growing awareness that food and the environment do not just overlap. Rather, they are fundamentally intertwined and, thus, policy is needed to jointly foster healthy food and healthy environments. Aldo Leopold and Wendell Berry, among others, argue that by eating we become responsible for the environmental consequences of our choices. Michael Pollan calls eating “a political act.” But an act is not an answer. By eating we become responsible for the way our actions impact food and environmental systems, but choices about what we eat are not sufficient to realize that responsibility. Eating inevitably connects us to farmers and their land, but it does not provide a mechanism for coming to political understandings about how food should be grown or how land should be used.

You can find the whole thing here:

next post: dissatisfaction