spring update 2022

08 May 2022 - Graham

previously: black messiah

Some happenings since I last wrote you…

Sidetracked has moved to Saturdays at 1p AKT on 88.1FM Anchorage or https://KRUAradio.org. You can also listen to archived shows here.

I (re)learned to code and self-published a free guide to the LSAT. You can find it at https://lightweightlsat.com. The site is still a work in progress, both in terms of content and design. I’d welcome your feedback.

Winter is my new favorite season. Turns out that winter is better when it’s colder. When it stays cold, you can get used to the cold. And the snow sticks around instead of thawing-freezing into slush and ice.

I have a new gig! I’m now the Consumer Advocate with AKPIRG. Currently I’m working on payday lending, debt collections, zoning reform, and land back.

Jubilee the Dog remains a certified cutie.

jubilee rolling in the snow

love, Graham

next post: pauls boutique