spring update 2023

27 Apr 2023 - Graham

previously: public citizens by paul sabin


I’ve been neglecting this newsletter, but don’t worry I’ve got lots of warm takes stored up for ya! I’m hoping to send y’all notes more regularly again.

First, a life update!

Winter is my favorite season in Alaska, in no small part because of the skiing, both nordic and alpine. Jubilee the dog and I are mourning the melt.

Stephen Day looks down Arctic Valley

Since I last emailed you, I…

Our home is a cutie log cabin close to the trails with 2 guest rooms waiting just for you.

Jubilee invites you to visit

Reading Notes: Public Citizens

I haven’t been writing here, but I have been writing. Particularly reading notes. I thought, perhaps, you might be interested in some of those notes?

Here’s a link to my thoughts about Public Citizens by Paul Sabin (2022). The gist of the book is: Ralph Nader and the public interest movement have undermined good government.

You might enjoy reading the notes if…

you’ve ever said the phrase “non-profit-industrial-complex;”
you want to understand why the environmental movement can’t seem to win; or
you worry about the decline of social capital.

The notes are a mix of my ideas and Sabin’s, and they’re a bit long. If you read them, I’d to hear what you think!

next post: dawn of everything by david graeber and wengrow